Ella's video library has been updated once more with 8 new videos to watch and enjoy. These include two videos of Ella eating rice cereal (she absolutely loves the stuff!), on the verge of sitting up on her own, and playing in her exer-saucer. My favorite, though, is watching her feet: Ella has this wonderfully cute subconsious habit of twirling her feet at the ankles. Wherever she is, whatever she's doing, more often than not, Ella twirls her feet like other little girls play with their hair. Now you can experience it for yourself. Enjoy!
NOTE: due to the enormous size of these video files + limited server space on which to host them, I've had to delete the older videos. They will still be listed, but not available for download. If you'd like to view one of these deleted videos,
email me and let me know.]
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